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Supporting Lifelong-learning Initiatives for Newcastle Graduates (SLING)

An Alumni Study Rebate Program

  1. Introduction 

    The Newcastle Australia Institute of Higher Education (NAIHE) is proud to announce the Supporting Lifelong-learning Initiatives for Newcastle Graduates (SLING) rebate program. This initiative offers a $1,000 rebate towards postgraduate programs for applicants who are alumni of NAIHE or the University of Newcastle, Australia (UONA). The SLING rebate aims to support our alumni in their pursuit of further education and to strengthen our vibrant community of learners. 


    1. Alumni Status: The applicant must be an alumnus or alumna of NAIHE or UONA. 
    2. Program Enrolment: The applicant must be enrolling in a part-time postgraduate program at NAIHE, including Graduate Certificate and Master’s programs. 
    3. Residency: The applicant must be a current resident in Singapore. 

    Application Process 

    1. Application Submission: Applicants must indicate their alumni status at the time of application. 
    2. Verification: Alumni status will be verified through NAIHE or UONA records. 

    Rebate Details & Conditions 

    1. Rebate Amount: Eligible alumni will receive a $1,000 rebate towards their program fees. 
    2. Program Limitation: The rebate applies only once, either for a Graduate Certificate or a Master’s program. It cannot be applied again if the alumnus progresses from the Graduate Certificate to the Master’s program. 
    3. Direct Applications: The application must be submitted directly to NAIHE and not through a NAIHE-contracted education agent. 

    Amendments and Discontinuation 

    NAIHE reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of the SLING rebate program without prior notice. 

For more information, please contact us at