Year | Citation |
2024 | Heng, KS, KT Tan, A Chan, CC Lee. Food Waste Valorization: Leveraging Singaporeʼs Zero Waste Master Plan and 30-by-30 Goal. Sustainability 2024, 16 (17), 7321. (Scopus Q1) |
2024 | Noor Ihsan, YF Arifin, BJ Priatmadi, AR Saidy, CC Lee, T Roberts, I Mansur, L Saria. Novel Swampy Forest Systems As a Strategy to Meet Coal Mine Wastewater Discharge Compliance. Book Chapter published in “Derelict Mines: Environmental Risk Assessment and Management”. Editor: Prof Ravi Naidu, CRC Care. CRC Press: Taylor and Francis. ISBN 9781138306622. |
2024 | Ho CK and CC Lee. Navigating the Metaverse: Exploring the Impact on Building Performance and Operations, Decarbonization, and Human Wellbeing. The International Journal of Engineering Science, Volume 13, Issue 01, pp 44-50, January 2024. |
2022 | Liang Y, QT Wu, CC Lee, Jiang C, Wei Z. Evaluation of manganese application after soil stabilization to effectively reduce cadmium in rice. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 424:127296. (Scopus Q1) |
2020 | Wang P, R Zhang, SB Yu, CC Lee, H Wang. Simulative structure and binding sites of lyral with olfactory receptor 10J5 using computational prediction methods. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A, 83(1): 1-8. (Scopus Q2) |
2019 | Yu SB, YP Mu, XD Zhang, J Li, CC Lee, H Wang. Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles (TiO2NP) Induced Autophagy in Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC). Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 82(18): 997-1008. (Scopus Q2) |
2019 | Yu, S, Y Mu, X Zhang, J Li, CC Lee, H Wang. Molecular mechanisms underlying titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2NP) induced autophagy in mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 82(19): 1052-1060. (Scopus Q2) |
2019 | Lucas, SA, CC Lee, E Love. Recycled Organic and Mineral Materials For Use as Filter Media in Biofiltration Systems. Water 2019, 11, 1074. DOI:10.3390/w11051074. |
2019 | Ma Q, J Li, CC Lee, X Long, Y Liu, QT Wu. (2019). Combining Potassium Chloride Leaching with Vertical Electrokinetics to Remediate Cadmium-contaminated Soils. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. DOI:10.1007/s10653-019-00259-w. |
2018 | Lee CC, J Appels, and X Zhang (2018). Utilizing advanced fluorescence technology for real-time monitoring of toxic cyanobacteria in algal blooms. Water Purification Technology. 37 (3): 4-9. |
2017 | CC Lee. (2017). Sustainable Advantage: Accelerating from Regulatory Compliance to Environmental Sustainability. International Journal of Environmental Sustainability. Vol. 13 (2): 37-44. |
2016 | Liang He, CC Lee, H Wang, Lin X, Chen XH and Wu QT. (2016). Using a High Biomass Plant Pennisetum hydridum to Phyto-treat Fresh Municipal Sewage Sludge. Bioresource Technology. DOI:10.1016/j.biortech.2016.02.025 |
2015 | Geary PM, CA Evans, MT Maswabi, CC Lee, A Zammit, G Webster, M Hunter. (2015). Monitoring and Tracking Contaminant Sources in Catchments and Estuaries. Water Practice and Technology, 10 (3) 601-608; DOI: 10.2166/wpt.2015.070. |
2014 | Sun Y, QT Wu , CC Lee , B Li and X Long (2014): Cadmium sorption characteristics of soil amendments and its relationship with the cadmium uptake by hyperaccumulator and normal plants in amended soils, International Journal of Phytoremediation, 16:5: 496-508. |
2013 | Zhao Y, YT Yao, X Ming, C Yan, CC Lee, L Yang, KX Zhang, Yang S, Ming G. (2013) Rapid Detection of Chronobacter sakazakii in Dairy Food By Biofunctionalized Magnetic Nanoparticle Based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Food Control. 34: 436-443. |
2012 | Palaniappan, K, & Lee CC. (2012). A review on Mahua Oil biodiesel as an alternative and renewable fuel. VNU-HCM Journal of Science and Technology, 50(4A), 42-49. |
2004 | Zhao B, CC Yeo, CC Lee, AL Geng, and CL Poh. (2004). Proteome Analysis of the gentisate-induced response in Pseudomonas alcaligenes NCIB 9867. Proteomics. 2004, 4, 2028-2036. |
2004 | Chiang K, TM Lim, L Tsen, and CC Lee. (2004). Photocatalytic Degradation and Mineralization of Bisphenol A by TiO2 and Platinized TiO2, Appl. Catal. A. General, 261(2), 225-237 (2004) |
2004 | Geng AL, XG Chen, WD Gould, YL Ng, R Yan, CC Lee and TD Liang. (2004). Removal of odorous sulphur-containing gases by a new isolate from activated sludge. Water Science & Technology. 2004, 50(4): 291-297. |
Year | Citation |
2024 | Lee, CC and Prakash, B. Understanding Climate Risks and Opportunities for EHS Professionals. Institute of Ergonomics and Health Conference. 14-15 August, 2024. |
2023 | Lee, CC. Climate Change Impacts on Global Food Security. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Recent Trends in Environmental Science and Engineering (RTESE’23). Ottawa, Canada. June 04 – 06, 2023. |
2023 | Lee, CC and CK Ho. Leveraging the 2030 United Nations SDGs for a Healthy Work Environment: Indoor Environment Quality. Institute of Ergonomics and Health Conference. 23-24 August, 2023. |
2022 | Lee, CC. Why Sustainability and Quality WSH is Important. Presented at the Asia-Pacific OHS Training Convention 2022: Charting a Resilient Training Landscape for a Future-Ready Workforce. Singapore. 15th September 2022. |
2022 | Lee, CC. Climate Change Impact on Health in ASEAN. Presented at the Global Cleanup Congress. CRC Care. Kuala Lumpur. 20th September 2022. |
2021 | Lee, CC and A Rios. Challenges In Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) In Land-scarce Singapore. 2021. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech’21). Praque, Czechoslovakia. Virtual. |
2021 | Lee, CC and A Budiman. Impact of Microplastics on Marine Ecosystems and Human Health in South Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia. 2021. Proceedings of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 42nd North America Conference, Portland, USA. |
2021 | Triwibowo, D., T Roberts and CC Lee. Paringin Pit Lake: Key Success Factors of Creating a Pit Lake of Ex-Coal Mined Pit. 2021. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Applications. Seoul, Korea. Virtual. |
2021 | [Invited Speaker] Lee CC. How Can Water Utilities Meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals. To be presented at the Asia-Pacific Smart Water Utilities Conference. November 10-11, Singapore. |
2020 | Lee, CC. Ecological Restoration of Degraded Peatlands in Indonesia: Achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on New Technologies (NewTech’20). International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation. August 19-21, 2020 |
2020 | Lee, CC. Development of An Environmental Sustainability Ranking Tool (ESRT) for Industries. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Science and Applications ICESA’20. Virtual conference. September 7-8, 2020 |
2020 | Lee, CC. Real-time Environmental Monitoring of SARS Corona Virus-2, Harmful Bacteria and Toxics in Water and Wastewater Systems. Presented at Remtech Europe: Session 11 – Innovative Characterization Technologies and Digital Innovation. 21-25 September 2020. |
2020 | Rezeki A, Zainudin, EJ Ong, CC Lee, and T Roberts. Population Study of Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus) on the Islands of Pulau Bakut and Pulau Curiak in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Science and Applications ICESA’20. Virtual conference. September 7-8, 2020. |
2020 | Siow, LG and CC Lee. Singapore’s 2030 Zero Waste Masterplan (ZMP): Is it Achievable? Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Science and Applications ICESA’20. Virtual conference. September 7-8, 2020 |
2019 | [Invited Speaker] Lee, CC. 2019. Green-based Jobs – Environmental Strategies to Realize Sustainable Development in Indonesia”. Presented at the Environmental Engineering National Seminar V on 12 Oct 2019. Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, Indonesia. |
2019 | Lee CC, and T Roberts. 2019. Conservation of Borneo’s Critically Endangered Proboscis Monkeys. 15th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 17-19 January, 2019, Vancouver, Canada. |
2018 | Chng D, J Sacre, CC Lee. 2018. Global System for Reviewing Waste Management and Recycling Facilities. Global Cleanup Congress (GCC), Coimbatore, India. 22-24 October. |
2018 | Ma Q, J Li, CC Lee, X long, Y Liu, QT Wu. Potassium Fertilizer Leaching Combined with Vertical Electrokinetics to Remediate Cadmium Contaminated Soils. Global Cleanup Congress (GCC), Coimbatore, India. 22-24 October. |
2018 | Lee CC, N Shen, A Rios, PF Yeap. 2018. Development of An Environmental Sustainability Ranking Tool (ESRT) for Industries. 14th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, 17-19 January, 2018. Cairns, Queensland. |
2017 | Lim CK, N Phua, RA Hamid, CC Lee. 2017. Adapting Work to People Interaction at the Airport Boarding Counter Point. XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2017. Marina Bay Sands, 3-6 September, 2017, Singapore. |
2017 | Chan Z, S Prasath, and CC Lee. 2017. Modern OSH Inspection Practices: Smart Life Cycle Approach to a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). XXI World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2017. Marina Bay Sands, 3-6 September, 2017, Singapore. |
2017 | Lee CC. 2017. Utilizing the risk-based corrective action (RBCA) framework to establish cleanup goals for remediation. RBCA special session. Cleanup 2017, Melbourne, 10- 14 September, 2017, Australia. (Invited Keynote Speaker by CRC Care) |
2017 | Lee CC, J Appels, ZX Chao. 2017. Utilizing advanced fluorescence technology for real-time monitoring of toxic cyanobacteria in algal blooms. International Water Association 4th Symposium on Lake and Reservoir Monitoring, Shanghai, China, 22-26 May 2017. (Invited Speaker by microLan, Netherlands and Zean, China) |
2016 | Love E, S Lucas, CC Lee. 2016. Improving Stormwater Treatment Using Engineered Filtration Media. Stormwater 2016, 29 Aug – 2 Sept, Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia. |
2015 | Lee CC. 2015. International Perspectives on Sustainability. Panel Session in the 3rd ASEAN Australian Engineering Congress: Innovative Technologies for Sustainable Development and Renewable Energy. 13 March 2015, Singapore. (Invited Panel Member) |
2015 | Lin XY, H Wang, CC Lee, XX Chen, QT Wu. 2015. Using a High Biomass Plant to Treat Municipal Sewage Sludge. Proceedings of the International Conference on Solid Waste – Knowledge Transfer for Sustainable Resource Management. Hong Kong SAR, China, 20-23 May 2015. ISBN 978-988-19988-8-0. |
2015 | Lee CC, YS Chan and X Gu. 2015. Fate, Toxicity and Human Health Impacts of Tetracycline Antibiotics in Water Systems. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Sustainable Urbanization. 7-9 Jan 2015, Hong Kong SAR, China. ISBN: 978-988-15439-6-7. P. 223. |
2014 | Lee CC and K Palaniappan. Health Impacts of Climate Change in Asia. 2014. International Conference on Environmental and Occupational Health (ICEOH) 2014. Universiti Putra Malaysia. Putrajaya, Malaysia, 7-9 April 2014. |
2014 | Lee CC and A Rios. An Integrated Environmental Impact Assessment – Environmental Management System (EIA-EMS) Model for Enhancing Global Environmental Management. 2014. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy and Environment. Organized by the International Academic Forum. Osaka, Japan, 12-15 June 2014. |
2013 | Lee CC, J. Appels, C. Broers. 2013. Harnessing Bioluminescence and Fluorescence Technologies for Rapid Real-time Monitoring of Water Quality. Proceedings of the 6th Annual World Congress of Industrial Biotechnology. Nanjing, 25-27 April 2013. (Invited paper) |
2013 | Wu QT, and CC Lee. 2013. Use of Phytoremediation to Rehabilitate Agricultural Soils Contaminated By Toxic Mining Discharge. 3rd Best Practice Ecological Rehabilitation of Mined Lands Conference. Conference Proceedings, p 22. 12 Sept 2013, Singleton, NSW, Australia. |
2013 | Lucas S, CC Lee, and E Love. 2013. The Performance of Recycled Organic and Mineral Materials as Reactive Filter Media. International Conference on Solid Waste. Hong Kong SAR, 5-8 May, 2013. |
2013 | Lucas S, CC Lee, and E Love. 2013. The Performance of Recycled Organic and Mineral Materials as Reactive Filter Media Based on Column Studies and Music v5 Modelling. NSW Stormwater Industry Association Conference, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia. 17-19 Sept 2013. |
2012 | Lee CC, J Appels, and C Broers. 2012. Online Toxicity Monitoring of Heavy Metals in Water Samples. Abstract. Water Convention, Jointly Organized by the International Water Association (USA) and Public Utilities Board (Singapore). Singapore International Water Week, Singapore, 1-5 July 2012. |
2011 | Lee CC. Sustainable waste management and technologies. Invited speaker at the CHWMEG conference on Responsible waste stewardship: Business sustainability and waste management processes, EnviroAsia, Singapore. 22 November 2011. |
2011 | Palaniappan K, and CC Lee. 2011. Reduction of diesel engine emissions using ethanol-based transesterified mahua biodiesel. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Remediation, Ottawa, Canada. August 2011. 218:1-7. ISBN 978-0-9867183-2-8. |
2003 | Geng AL, J Matheickal, CC Lee and L Loke. (2003). Kinetics of Sea-Nine Degradation in Ballast Water, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Port & Maritime R&D and Technology, Vol 2, pp. 75-78, Singapore, 10-12 September 2003. |
2003 | Geng AL, XG Chen, WD Gould, YL Ng, R Yan, CC Lee and TD Liang. Isolation of Dimethylsulphide-degrading Bacteria from Activated Sludge, 2nd IWA International Conference on Odour and VOCs, Singapore, 14-17 September. |
2003 | Yan R, YL Ng, XG Chen, AL Geng, WD Gould, HQ Duan, DT Liang, CC Lee. Batch experiments of DMS/H2S degradation by bacteria isolated from activated sludge. 2nd IWA International Conference on Odour and VOCs, Singapore, 14-17 September 2003. |
2003 | Zhao B., CC Yeo, CC Lee,AL Geng, and CL Poh, Proteome Mapping of the gentisate-induced response in Pseudomonas alcaligenes NCIB 9867, International Water Association (IWA) Conference on Environmental Biotech in Johor Bharu, Malaysia. May 2-3, 2003. |
2002 | Lee CC, Geng AL, Yeo CC and Poh CL. Application of Gene-Based Technologies to Bioremediation, Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds: The Third International Conference, May 20-23, 2002, Monterey, California. |
Year | Citation |
2018 | Lee, CC and QT Wu. 6 Hour workshop on “Harnessing Hyperaccumulator Plants to Phytoremediate Contaminated Sites” at the Global Cleanup Congress (GCC), Coimbatore, India. 21 October 2018. |
2011 | Lee, CC. Invited technical expert to conduct a two-day technical workshop on “Risk-based Corrective Action (RBCA) and Bioremediation of Contaminated Sites” at the Department of Soil Pollution and Control, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES), Beijing, China. 29-30 November, 2011. |
Year | Citation |
2004 | Lee, CC, KKK Chiang, TM Lim, LTS Tsen. Method and System for the Degradation of Halogenated Compounds. Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Ventures Pte Ltd, Singapore. International Application No: PCT/SG2004/000116. |
Year | Grant | Value |
2019 | Principal Investigator, “Rehabilitation and Conservation of the Endangered Proboscis Monkey in Curiak Island, Kalimantan, Indonesia”. University of Newcastle Singapore’s Small Project Research Grant 2019. | S$10,000 |
2017 | Principal Investigator, “Development of An Environmental Sustainability Ranking Tool for Industries”. University of Newcastle Singapore’s Small Project Research Grant 2017. Budget: | S$5,000 |
2014 | Co-Investigator, “Workplace Safety and Health in the Singapore Construction Industry: Assessing the Nexus between Mental Health and Productivity”. In collaboration with Ssangyong Engineering and Construction, Singapore. Awarded by the Worker Health and Safety Research Institute, Singapore. | S$361,000 |
2003 | Principal Investigator, “Evaluation of Environmental Benchmarks for Jurong Town Corporation’s Wafer Fabrication Industrial Parks”. In collaboration with MW Zander, Singapore. ASTAR’s research grant awarded by Jurong Town Corporation, Singapore. | S$350,000 |
2002 | Principal Investigator, “Development of Environmental Baseline Studies for Industrial Sites in Woodlands and Jurong”. Jurong Town Corporation, Singapore. | S$200,000 |
Commenced | Research Title | Supervisor Type |
2004 | Zhao Bing. Proteome Analysis of the Gentisate-induced Response in Pseudomonas alcaligenes NCIB 9867. PhD co-supervisor with ASTAR’s Environmental Technology Institute in conjunction with A/Prof Poh Chit Laa (Department of Microbiology, National University of Singapore, Singapore). | Co-supervisor |
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Professor Julia Connell is currently the Acting Pro Vice Chancellor and CEO at the Newcastle Australia Institute of Higher Education. Previously, Julia held Director, Dean and Assistant Dean roles at Universities in Australia, the UAE and Indonesia. She has published over 100 refereed journal articles/book chapters, co-edited 17 special issue journal volumes and 9 books. Many publications focus on change, people development and, more recently, new technologies. She has consulted for various public and private sector organisations, taught in 11 different countries and lived in 4. Julia just led a team to create and facilitate a Senior Leadership Program for the New South Wales Community Justice Department and will shortly begin a new project researching skills, education and development in Singapore.
Study Grant Enquiry
Siew Choi is a seasoned financial services leader with a three-decade long career focused on (re)insurance within the Asia Pacific. Renowned for her innovative strategies and ability to deliver long-term success, she excels in fostering innovation and driving transformative initiatives within tightly regulated landscapes.
With pivotal roles at industry giants, including AXA, AIG, and Swiss Re, Siew Choi brings extensive expertise in portfolio underwriting, risk assessment, pricing, analytics and distribution management. Having worked and resided in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, Siew Choi’s leadership transcends borders, guiding culturally diverse teams across ten countries.
Siew Choi continues to shape the industry’s digital evolution as an advisor to insurtechs. Her active involvement on board committees for charities and non-profits, as well as her dedication to mentoring undergraduates, demonstrates her passion to serve the community. Armed with a Master’s degree from Stanford University and an Executive Diploma in Directorship from Singapore Management University (SMU), she is primed to contribute her extensive Asia-focused financial services acumen to the NAIHE board.
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Study Grant Enquiry
Study Grant Enquiry
Dr Chew, a Colombo Plan Scholar, graduated from the University of Newcastle in 1974 with a Bachelor of Engineering degree with Honours Class I and University Medal as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics. Dr Chew was also awarded a Doctor of Engineering honoris causa by the University in 2003 and is a Patron of the University of Newcastle’s Alumni Chapter Singapore. He is actively involved in the management and boards of several public companies.
Professor Chen completed a Bachelor of Architecture at the University of Newcastle as a Colombo Plan Scholar in 1980, finishing with first class honours and a University Medal. He has subsequently completed a Master of Business Administration, a Master of Architecture and a Doctor of Philosophy at Newcastle. Until 2005, Professor Chen held the position of Professor in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Newcastle. In recognition of Professor Chen’s 20 years of service to the University of Newcastle, he has been appointed as Patron of the University of Newcastle’s Alumni Chapter Singapore.
Bill Chua has served on local and foreign boards for the past twenty years. He is currently an Independent Director on the boards of IES-INCA Pte Ltd, United Hampshire US REIT Management Pte Ltd, Sunseap Group Pte Ltd, Citibank Singapore Limited, and BoardRoom Executive Services Pte Ltd, and a Managing Partner and Director of Green Sands Equity Inc. Bill retired from United Overseas Bank (UOB) as the Managing Director and Head Global Financial Institution Group in November 2014 after thirty-four years of a successful and distinguished career in the financial services sector. He was awarded the Public Service Medal (PBM) in 2004, and the Public Service Star (BBM) in 2016 by the Government of Singapore.
Bill was a Colombo Plan Scholar. He holds a Bachelor of Arts, and a Bachelor of Engineering Hons Class 1 from the University of Newcastle, Australia. He is a Fellow at the Singapore Institute of Directors, and at the Institution of Engineers, Singapore.
Jaspal Singh started his career with the Singapore Government Administrative Service (1978-2004), serving in the Ministries of Transport, Finance and Trade & Industry and on the Boards of various statutory bodies and Government-linked corporates.
Key appointments held include Director of Budget and Deputy Secretary in the Ministries of Finance and Transport. He was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Silver) in 1998 and the Long Service medal in 2003 for 25 years of service.
This was followed by a 14-year stint in the private sector based in London as CEO, ComfortDelGro (UK & Ireland), where he led the growth of ComfortDelGro’s network of bus, coach, taxi, private hire and engineering businesses in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. For his corporate accomplishments abroad, he was voted “Outstanding Overseas Executive of the Year, 2017” at the Annual Singapore Business Awards in April 2018.
Jaspal was born into a Sikh family in 1953 in New Delhi, the 5th child of Gurbachan Singh and Amrit Kaur (refugees from Pakistan in 1947). He grew up in Kuala Lumpur prior to under-graduate studies on a Colombo Plan scholarship at the University of Newcastle, Australia (1973-77) and post-graduate studies (sponsored by the Singapore Government) at Harvard University (MPA, Kennedy School of Government, 1984-85, and AMP, Harvard Business School, Fall 2003).
Jaspal is currently Senior Advisor to SMRT Corporation Ltd and SPH Group. He sits on the Governing Council of the Singapore Institute of Directors and is also Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies at the LKY School of Public Policy.
Jaspal Singh started his career with the Singapore Government Administrative Service (1978-2004), serving in the Ministries of Transport, Finance and Trade & Industry and on the Boards of various statutory bodies and Government-linked corporates. Key appointments held include Director of Budget and Deputy Secretary in the Ministries of Finance and Transport. He was awarded the Public Administration Medal (Silver) in 1998 and the Long Service medal in 2003 for 25 years of service.
He received a Colombo Plan scholarship at the University of Newcastle, Australia (1973-77) and completed post-graduate studies (sponsored by the Singapore Government) at Harvard University (MPA, Kennedy School of Government, 1984-85, and AMP, Harvard Business School, Fall 2003).
Jaspal is currently Senior Advisor to SMRT Corporation Ltd and SPH Group. He sits on the Governing Council of the Singapore Institute of Directors and is also Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies at the LKY School of Public Policy. He is also the High Commissioner to the Republic of Rwanda for Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Dr Tay is currently a Corporate Advisor, engaging in business development and coaching budding business leaders. He serves on the boards of companies involved in food and education and writes on management issues in ‘Asian Meat’, and ‘AgriFood Magazine’, two international food publications. For 17 years, from 1989 to 2006, Dr Tay was the President and CEO of Singapore Food Industries Ltd (SFI), a public listed food distribution and manufacturing company in Singapore. Under his leadership, SFI expanded internationally from its base in Singapore to include operations in the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, China and Australia. During the period from 1992 to 2004, he concurrently held other positions, including Group Coordinator for Human Resource and Group Director (Strategic Development) in Singapore Technologies.
A Colombo Plan Scholar, Dr Tay graduated with Bachelor degrees in both Engineering (Honours) and Economics from the University of Newcastle in Australia. In 1986, he obtained an MSc in Management (Sloan Fellows Program) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, United Kingdom, and a Member of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. He was awarded a Doctor of Engineering honoris causa by the University of Newcastle in 2015.
Dr Tan has 33 years of distinguished service in the Singapore Public Service holding various key appointments before completing his term as a Permanent Secretary in 2007. He held various top public leadership positions including as General Manager and Chairman, National Computer Board, Managing Director, Economic Development Board, Chief Executive, Singapore Tourism Board, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Manpower, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, Chairman National Library Board and Chairman of the Media Development Authority. He played a leading role in the information technology, economic, tourism, manpower, library, media, arts and creative industries development of Singapore.
Dr Tan received a Colombo Plan Scholarship to study at the University of Newcastle and completed a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Industrial Engineering with Honours Class I as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Economics. In 1998, Dr Tan was awarded a Doctor of Engineering honoris causa. He had a long and distinguished career in Singapore’s public service holding various key appointments before completing his term as a Permanent Secretary in 2007.
Professor Cheong has played a key role in the urban transformation of Singapore over the years. She was the CEO of the Housing and Development Board (HDB) from 2010 to 2020, overseeing the development and management of over 1 million public housing flats. Prof Cheong was also the CEO of the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) from 2004 to 2010, and has extensive experience in strategic land use planning, conservation of built heritage and the real estate market. On 1 January 2021, Prof Cheong was appointed Chairman of the Centre for Liveable Cities under the Ministry of National Development, Singapore. She is also the current Chairman of the Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize Nominating Committee.
A Colombo Plan scholar, Prof Cheong holds a 1st Class Honours degree and University Gold Medal in Architecture and a Doctor of Architecture honoris causa conferred by the University of Newcastle; a Master’s degree in Urban Development Planning from University College London and has completed the Advanced Management Programme in Harvard Business School.
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Study Grant Enquiry
Dr Lee Kwok Cheong, popularly known as KC, retired in 2019 after a 41-year career in IT and education, of which 23 years were in the CEO role. He has been active in shaping Singapore’s IT, education, and talents development landscape. He was in charge of the Singapore civil service’s use of IT from 1989 to 1996. In 1996 he was the founder CEO of NCS Pte Ltd, which grew to be Southeast Asia’s largest IT services provider. In 2005 he joined SIM Pte Ltd as CEO, again growing SIM to be the region’s largest private education provider. In that role, he partnered several leading universities from Australia, UK and US to bring their diploma and degree programs to Singapore, for local as well as international students.
KC was the founding President of the Singapore Association for Private Education, the industry association. He was the President of the Singapore Computer Society, the IT professional society.
Due to his prominent role in IT and education, KC was invited to be on many of Singapore’s national-level committees in these areas. He has served on the Board of various public and private organisations.
He was Adjunct Faculty at NTU and UniSIM. He was conferred honorary doctorate by RMIT University, University of London, and University of Stirling. For his public service contributions, he was conferred National Day Medals in 2010 and 2016 by the President of the Republic of Singapore.
Currently, he is on the Board of an education company in Vietnam, an IT services company listed on Singapore Exchange’s main Board, a government-owned gaming operator, a music ensemble, and a mental health charity.
Lee Meng started her legal career in private practice after obtaining her Bachelor of Laws (Honours) degree from the National University of Singapore and after being admitted as an Advocate & Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore. She was handling real estate legal work in a leading law firm in Singapore before she moved to in-house legal counsel work.
She has extensive experience in corporate matters and legal compliance across different industries. She was Vice President of the Legal & Corporate Secretarial department of the Ascott Group Limited which was then a hospitality company listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange. She was Counsel (Projects)/ Director, Legal & Corporate Secretariat of Singapore Power Limited and had also served as Vice President of the Administration & Governance division of SATS Ltd.
She had worked with the Pre-Professional Education Office of a Singapore restructured hospital, which office coordinates education programmes relating to the clinical training of medical, nursing, allied health and pharmacy students and she holds a Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education.
Bill Chua has served on local and foreign boards for the past twenty years. He is currently an Independent Director on the boards of IES-INCA Pte Ltd, United Hampshire US REIT Management Pte Ltd, Sunseap Group Pte Ltd, Citibank Singapore Limited, and BoardRoom Executive Services Pte Ltd, and a Managing Partner and Director of Green Sands Equity Inc. Previously he had served on the boards of Singapore Technologies Electronics Limited, Jurong International, Clearing and Payments Services Pte Ltd, DSO National Laboratories, Defence Science & Technology Agency and Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd, and CLS AG.
Bill retired from United Overseas Bank (UOB) as the Managing Director and Head Global Financial Institution Group in November 2014 after thirty-four years of a successful and distinguished career in the financial services sector. He was also on the boards of several affiliates and subsidiaries of UOB. Given his extensive banking experience, and engineering background, he is often called upon to provide the oversight for the Governance, Risk & Compliance functions on the boards he is on, and to advise on business and financial strategies, and issues relating to technology, operations and processes.
Bill is active in the financial, education and social communities. He chaired the sub committees on operations at the Association of Banks in Singapore, and the Singapore Foreign Exchange Markets Committee. He was a member of the Singapore Management University Lee Kong Chian School of Business Advisory Board, a resource member of the Parliamentary Committees for the Ministries of Finance and Trade & Industry, and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence. He is currently on the Board of Governors at SAFRA National Service Association, and the honorary advisor to the Investment Committee at the Association. He is also currently a member of the Investment Committee at the Singapore University of Technology & Design. He was awarded the Public Service Medal (PBM) in 2004, and the Public Service Star (BBM) in 2016 by the Government of Singapore.
Bill was a Colombo Plan Scholar. He holds a Bachelor of Arts, and a Bachelor of Engineering Hons Class 1 from the University of Newcastle, Australia. He is a Fellow at the Singapore Institute of Directors, and at the Institution of Engineers, Singapore.
Ms Sandra Davie, Senior Education Correspondent of The Straits Times joined the newspaper after teaching English Literature and General Paper at a junior college for a few years. As a young reporter, she covered a range of topics from health to religious cults and education, given her background. She honed her investigative journalism skills further at The Philadelphia Inquirer on a Knight Ridder fellowship. Upon her return she joined a special report team and went on to write many award winning stories on a range of issues. She was made education correspondent in 1998 and has since written extensively on education issues from pre-school to higher education. She has won several in-house awards including Feature of the Year and Story of the Year for her education stories.
Sandra shares her expertise with educators and parents through university boards, school talks and informal meet-up sessions. She fields parents’ queries through the regular Ask Sandra columns, produces video clips to explain schemes and help parents make informed decisions in addition to her regular opinion pieces on education.
Sandra has a BA from the National University of Singapore and a MSc in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Professor Kent Anderson is an international lawyer who specialises in Asia and the Pacific. He recently returned to the University of Newcastle as Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Global Engagements and Partnership. He has an eclectic background, having completed tertiary studies in US, Japan, and the UK in Law, Politics, Economics and Asian Studies. He also worked as a marketing manager with a US regional airline in Alaska, a commercial lawyer in Hawaii, and most recently senior adviser for higher education to two Commonwealth Ministers of Education.
Within universities, Kent was Interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) at Newcastle, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Engagement) at University of Western Australia, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) at the University of Adelaide and Dean of the then Faculty of Asian Studies at the Australian National University. He started his academic career as an associate professor at Hokkaido University Law School in Japan. Kent has been on a number of boards, including the National Library of Australia Council, Ministerial Council for International Education, Higher Education Standards Panel, New Colombo Plan Advisory Board, Board of Canberra Grammar School and Shenton College (Perth), and President of the Asian Studies Association of Australia and Japanese Studies Association of Australia.